Always searching for that special and distinctive flavor and aroma, Stallone Cigars uses the best slow fermented and aged tobacco
leaves from Esteli, Nicaragua, as well as top notch rare wrapper leaves form all around the world to make our cigars complex and balanced.
– Why Esteli? Being a country with 18 active volcanoes, Nicaragua has special soils that bring a unique quality for tobacco production.
Their volcanic soils have many minerals from the earth’s magma. In addition, its geographical location, climate,
altitude, and qualified personnel made this country the producer of the best tobacco in the world over the last years,
imprinting its tobaccos with an unmistakable footprint of complexity, strength, flavors, and aromas making them unique and unmatched worldwide.
For this reason, our brand is able to keep conquering palates of the most demanding and experienced cigar smokers around the world.
Our standards of quality and service are our priority in the development of the brand, since our purpose is to provide a very pleasant and
unique experience to each of our customers.
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